Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.


Staff Highlight Series: Carma Fuhlendorf

March 22, 2021

When the pandemic hit, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) had to quickly reassign and hire people just for the response. One of those people hired for the response was Carma Fuhlendorf. She was hired to work as an administrative assistant in Disease Prevention and Response which, as the name tells you, is right in the middle of the fight against the pandemic in our region. Carma says that as a new team member she had no clue about the stress level, dedication, commitment, and love for the community her coworkers would have. Carma references the 60+ hour weeks and often seven-day work weeks a lot of the team has put in throughout the pandemic.

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How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely

March 16, 2021

It might be safe to assume that by this point, we’re getting pretty good at celebrating holidays virtually or safely distanced. Every day, we’re getting closer to being able to celebrate our favorite holidays and events with the people we love but until then, it’s just as important to keep wearing masks, washing your hands, maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distance in public spaces and avoiding large gatherings where safe distancing is difficult.

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Eligible for a vaccine? Here’s what to expect.

Eligible for a vaccine? Here’s what to expect.

February 25, 2021

There is a lot of anticipation and questions to be answered when it comes to getting vaccinated for COVID-19. While we’re still in the early phases of administering vaccines, it’s important for everyone to stay informed about the process no matter where they fall in the vaccination distribution.

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