Event Planners & Entertainment Venues Plan for a Safe Start
Most people would agree that throughout the pandemic they missed out on an event they typically enjoy. Whether the loss was celebrating a major life event, attending an annual festival, or just part of a routine, it was one more thing that added stress to people in our community. That’s why in February of this year, SRHD began a group that would shift the focus from what we can’t do to what we can do in a safe way.
Back in February, vaccines were beginning to roll out, but there was — and still remains — a lot of uncertainty. With COVID-19 activity changing and vaccinations increasing, it was hard to know how to plan ahead. So, the SRHD Events and Venues group brought local organizations to the table to share information, ideas and best practices. These have led to creative and valuable ways to add events back into the community.

The Spokane Symphony was able to utilize rapid antigen testing to help facilitate a virtual concert series, the Spokane Arena created maps to manage crowds that would need to social distance and follow other public health guidance, and Hoopfest is planning ways to adjust crowd levels downtown as guidance changes in the months prior to their event. These are among the many valuable examples of how this group has been able to navigate their current situation.
This group is a great resource for new members to join and access valuable information. Even if the event being hosted is relatively small or a representative is not able to attend each meeting, the benefits include access to a database of guidance and requirements from Labor & Industries and Washington State, along with an archive of all the meetings, meeting materials, and guest presentations dating back to February.
If you own a venue or are an event organizer and would like to be a member of this group, please click here to send us an email or find more information and resources on SRHD’s Gatherings and Events page.