Programs and Services | HIPAA Privacy & Security Program
Spokane Regional Health District protects the privacy of your health information. The agency Notice of Privacy Practices describes how your health information may be used and disclosed, and how you can access the information.
Note: Click here to access non-medical records.
You have the right of access to inspect or receive a copy of your health information that we maintain, with limited exceptions. To start the process, complete the Request for Access to Health Information form or write a letter.
If you choose to write a letter, you are required to include the following information:
You have the right to request that your health information be sent to any person or entity. To start the process, complete the Authorization to Disclose Health Information form or write a letter.
If you choose to write a letter, you are required to include the following information:We may impose a reasonable, cost-based fee, the fee may include the cost for labor, supplies, postage and/or preparing an explanation or summary.
You have the right to request an amendment to your protected health information or your record in a designated record set for as long as the protected health information or record is maintained in the designated record set.
Request to Amend a Designated Record Set
You may write a letter or complete this form to request an amendment to your protected health information which was originated or created by an employee of Spokane Regional Health District.
You have the right to request a disclosure of your protected health information in accordance with 45 CFR 164.528.
Request for an Accounting of Disclosures
You may write a letter or complete this form for an accounting of disclosure of your protected health information by Spokane Regional Health District.