Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

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Many people are concerned about the possibility of natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or disease outbreaks. You can take steps now to help prepare for an emergency and cope if an it happens. In an emergency situation, you may not have access to food, water, and electricity for several days, so it’s a good idea to take steps beforehand to protect yourself and your loved ones.

For helpful tips on preparedness planning, see this PDF.

Steps For Being Prepared


  • Collect a 72-hour supply of food and water (one gallon of water per person per day).
    • Choose non-perishable items like canned goods, dry pasta, and powered milk that are easy to prepare, and utensils to prepare food and eat with.
  • Remember to add emergency supplies like:
    • flashlights
    • matches
    • radio (battery powered/solar or hand crank)
    • cell phone chargers
    • first aid supplies
    • blankets
    • medicines
    • personal care items (soap, toothbrush/paste, glasses or contacts, diapers, etc.)
    • copies of vital statistics documents (vaccination records, insurance and health cards)
    • pet supplies
    • contact lists (on paper)
    • activities (cards/games)
    • cash
    • spare keys
    • maps
  • Put it all in easy to carry containers in case you must evacuate. It’s also a good idea to store supplies in multiple places- at home, at work, and in your vehicles as you never know where you might be when a disaster strikes.


Have a communication plan in place, so that if you are separated from your loved ones when a disaster strikes, everyone will know how to communicate with one another. It is recommended that every member of the household carry a contact card in their wallet, which lists important phone numbers and an emergency out-of-area contact person so that during or after a disaster, if you are unable to communicate directly with your family members, you can all communicate through this contact.


Do 1 Thing
Do 1 Thing

Do 1 Thing is a 12-month program that makes it easy to prepare for emergencies or disasters.

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