Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

Supporting children and families takes a community.

Children rely on adults to keep them safe. A prosperous future depends on raising a healthy, well-adjusted generation to be our community’s next workforce and caregivers—and parents need our support.

Simple actions by others can make a big difference in positively impacting the lives of children.


To ensure that families are strong and healthy in Spokane, together, we as a community, can increase the following:1

Parental Resilience

Parental Resilience

By helping parents use problem-solving skills to weather daily life stressors and encouraging parents to seek help when needed.

Social Connection

Social Connection

By building and maintaining relationships with caregivers and families. We can also encourage parents and families to get outside and play to reduce stress and feelings of isolation.

Access to Concrete Services in a Time of Need

Access to Concrete Services in a Time of Need

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are having an even harder time meeting their basic needs. Concrete resources for individuals and families are needed. We can work together to ensure that people have access to what they need. This will reduce stress in homes and help children and families to function in a positive way and improve their collective resilience.

Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

Children do not come with a handbook. When parents and caregivers know what is and is not developmentally appropriate behavior, they react differently. We can take time to learn how a child’s brain develops and use or share that information. Having an understanding of how child development occurs can lessen stress for both child and parent.

Social Emotional Competence of Children

Social Emotional Competence of Children

By helping them learn how to positively interact with others, manage their own behavior and effectively communicate their feelings.

If You Are Concerned That a Child is Being Abused or Neglected

If You Are Concerned That a Child is Being Abused or Neglected

Call 866-ENDHARM (866.363.4276), Washington State's toll-free, 24 hour, 7 day-a-week hotline that will connect you directly to the appropriate local office to report suspected child abuse or neglect.

Through this work, it’s possible to see that we can all do something to inspire social connection and foster a culture of support in our community for children and families. No action is too small because taking action is so important.



We would like to acknowledge 90by30’s K(now) More campaign and NAPCAN’s Play Your Part campaign as instrumental in energizing our efforts to develop this site for Spokane County.

1“The Protective Factors Framework,” Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework, last accessed October 28, 2020,