Water recreation facility plan reviews and pre-occupancy inspections ensure compliance with the Washington State Water Recreation Facility Regulations (Chapter 246-260 WAC).
All public and semi-public water recreation facilities in Spokane County must submit plans and specifications to the health district for approval before new construction, remodeling or changes in equipment. Remodeling is not just limited to the pool itself, but also includes locker rooms, barriers, pump rooms, etc. that impact the pool/pool area. Even a project such as repainting the pool or changing the pool liner requires approval from the health district to ensure the color, striping, depth markings, etc. meet code. Equipment changes include changing out equipment in the pump room (pumps, filters, etc.), in addition to equipment changes in the pool (e.g., main drain covers, hand rails, etc.). All these changes require approval from the health district before proceeding with the project. If unsure whether or not a project requires plan review, contact the Water Recreation Program at (509) 324-1560, ext. 4.
Project submittals that involve changes to piping or suction outlets will be reviewed for compliance with the recently revised Washington State regulations (Chapter 246-260 WAC), which now include the technical design standards of the federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGB).
If any modifications to your pool are planned or anticipated in order to comply with the federal Act, Spokane Regional Health District must review the proposal in order to verify that it also meets the revised Washington State regulations (Chapter 246-260 WAC). If in compliance with state regulations, SRHD will issue approval for the modifications. Approval must be received from the health district before proceeding with your project.
The health district may conduct pre-occupancy inspections during and/or at the completion of the project in order to verify construction was completed per the approved plans. The approval letter for each proposed project will provide more specific pre-occupancy inspection information.
Program Fees & Regulations:
Plan Review Instructions and Required Submittal Checklists:
Construction, Remodeling & Renovation Processes:
Water Recreation Facility Construction Review Process
Other Agency Approvals
Spokane Regional Health District is not the only agency required to issue approval for water recreation facilities. The specific agencies involved vary depending upon your location and type of project.
Agency Resource List (doc)
The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGB) became effective December 19, 2008. This is a federal law that pertains to all public swimming pools, spas and wading pools throughout the nation, including those in Spokane County. The federal agency responsible for its implementation and enforcement is the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Spokane Regional Health District's inspections and plan reviews will focus on the implementation and enforcement of the recently revised Washington State regulations (Chapter 246-260 WAC), which now include the technical design standards of the federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGB). However, conformance to the Washington State regulations does not automatically constitute compliance with all the required elements of the federal Act. Facilities must comply with the minimum requirements of both state and federal law. We recommend you click on PoolSafely.gov or contact a pool company or CPSC directly to help ensure all VGB requirements are met.
Inspections of water recreation facilities continue to focus on the sections of the Washington State regulations related to compliance and operation of the pool facility. The health district will not specifically inspect facilities to verify compliance with the federal Act. However, if the health district personnel observe conditions at a water recreation facility that may not conform to the federal law, we will periodically inform CPSC that a given facility may not be compliant. We do not anticipate that the CPSC will advise us of their intended follow-up.
If any modifications to your pool are planned or anticipated in order to comply with the federal Act, Spokane Regional Health District must review the proposal in order to verify that it also meets the newly revised Washington State regulations (Chapter 246-260 WAC). If in compliance with state regulations, SRHD will issue approval for the modifications. Approval must be received from the health district before proceeding with your project.
In order to assist facilities needing additional information about the federal requirements, we have added the following links:
Spokane Regional Health District recognizes and appreciates the efforts local pool and spa operators have made to come into compliance with state regulations. We will continue to pass on information that we receive from CPSC on the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. For questions regarding compliance with the Washington State Water Recreation Facilities Regulations (Chapter 246-260), please do not hesitate to contact the Water Recreation Program at (509) 324-1560, ext. 4.
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