Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

Program Overview

In accordance with WAC 246-272A-0270, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) requires owners of on-site sewage systems (OSS), including holding tanks, to obtain operational permits for their septic systems and submit OSS operation and maintenance inspection records annually or every three years.

A malfunctioning system has the potential to contaminate the water supplies Spokane County residents drink by allowing untreated sewage to enter the groundwater. To protect drinking water and prevent costly repairs, complete the required inspection and submit the report to SRHD.

Action Required

Owners must ensure a complete evaluation of the system components and drainfield to assess whether it

  • Is functioning properly
  • Needs maintenance
  • Is in compliance with regulations

The completed operations and maintenance form must be submitted to SRHD.

OSS Inspection Frequency

Septic system inspections must be completed either annually or once every three years.

  • Conventional gravity: every three years
  • All other on-site sewage systems: annually

Holding tank OSS must be inspected annually and reports submitted to SRHD per the holding tank agreement.

Maintaining Your Permit

To keep your permit up to date, all system components must be evaluated to determine whether sewage tanks need to be repaired or pumped and if the drainfield is operating properly. If you do not wish to perform the inspection yourself, you may contact a operations and maintenance provider.

See a list of operations and maintenance providers

Need Help Finding Your Septic System?

For help locating your system and to request a copy of an as-built or record drawing, please email or call 509.324.1546. Please note, this is an automated phone line. Please be prepared to provide the parcel number and address.

After Inspection

Once the inspection is complete, fill out the Operations and Maintenance Inspection report form and return the completed form to the SRHD Liquid Waste program within 60 days, weather permitting. If you are no longer the owner of this property, please notify our office.

Any observed deficiencies must be corrected. Certain repairs require a permit from SRHD prior to construction. For information about permit requirements, please call 509.324.1560 ext. 1 or email

Property Transfer Inspections

Beginning Feb. 1, 2027, Washington state law will require on-site septic systems to be inspected by an approved Operations and Maintenance provider prior to property transfer or sale. Failure to obtain or maintain a current operational permit may delay property transfer inspections required in 2027 and after.