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Governor Inslee Announces an Earlier Lifting of Mask Mandates Following CDC Guidance

Governor Inslee Announces an Earlier Lifting of Mask Mandates Following CDC Guidance

Mar 01, 2022

Media Contact: Kelli Hawkins | | (509) 324-1539, c (509) 994-8968

CDC’s Community Level System Puts Spokane County at a Medium Level of Risk

Following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) release of new masking guidance based on the Community Level system, which assessed Spokane County at a “Medium” level of risk, Governor Jay Inslee adjusted the timing of our statewide mask requirement.

Indoor mask requirements will be lifted after 11:59 p.m. on March 11, including in K-12 schools and childcare facilities. This is ten days sooner than the original date of March 21, announced on Feb. 17. At that time, masks in Spokane County will be strongly recommended, but not required, especially for those at high risk for severe illness. Masks will still be required in high-transmission settings including public transportation, healthcare, corrections facilities, and long-term care facilities.

The new CDC guidance for masking based on the COVID-19 Community Levels can be found on the CDC website. The site allows you to see the current county-level risk. You can also learn how CDC measures the COVID-19 Community Levels here.

Spokane Regional Health District reminds the community to be kind and to respect those who continue to wear a mask in order to protect themselves and those around them. In addition, individual businesses may decide to continue requiring masks, so please respect the rules of the house you’re in.

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