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COVID-19 Testing Now Available to Airway Heights Community

COVID-19 Testing Now Available to Airway Heights Community

Jun 18, 2020

EDIT: Please note that the last day of operation for testing location in Airway Heights is Sept. 11, 2020. Please visit the COVID-19 Testing page for alternative clinic options. In addition, this release has been updated to reflect MultiCare Rockwood Clinic's revised testing hours.

Media Contact:  Kelli Hawkins (509) 994-8968

Spokane, Wash. – MultiCare Rockwood Clinic has partnered with Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) to provide COVID-19 testing to residents living in Airway Heights and the surrounding area, beginning this Friday, June 19. To minimize possible COVID-19 exposure to others, patients with COVID-19 symptoms are asked to not go inside the clinic for testing. Instead, a curbside testing option will be available. Please visit the COVID-19 Testing page for clinic hours.

 To be assessed for a COVID-19 test, during curbside testing clinic hours, please follow these instructions:

  • The clinic is located at 10414 W. Highway 2, Suite 10. Please park in the lot just east of Jack-in-the-Box (signs will be posted).
  • Call the clinic number, posted on the sign, to let them know you are there and to receive further instructions.
  • Patients who receive a test will be contacted by SRHD to share results of their test and provide further guidance, including when it is safe to return to work.
  • The clinic is not able to re-test patients wanting documentation to return to work. 

Individuals who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, regardless of age or health status, should be assessed for COVID-19 testing. Symptoms include:  

  • Cough, or
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing  

OR at least two of the following symptoms:  

  • Fever  
  • Chills  
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain   
  • Headache  
  • Sore throat  
  • New loss of taste or smell  

Individuals who have been informed that they were in close contact with a confirmed positive case of COVID-19, or who work in a high-risk environment (e.g. long-term care facility), are also encouraged to be assessed for testing.   

A complete list and map of COVID-19 screening locations in Spokane County is available on the COVID-19 Testing page.