Edible Landscaping Workshop on June 18
SRHD in partnership with Spokane's Food Access Coalition brings national author to Spokane for Edible Landscaping Workshop
The public is invited to hear author Rosalind Creasy speak about edible landscaping and how to bring it to any yard in any climate.
Edible landscaping involves adding fruits, nuts, and vegetables to existing landscaping. The same design principles used in ornamental gardens are used, but with the substitution of plants like lettuce, blueberries, fruit trees, and edible flowers.
Rosalind Creasy, who coined the phrase edible landscape, will share her methods and experiences and provide a list of plants suitable for the Inland Northwest. She will also present photographs of what edible landscapes can look like.
"Ros Creasy is the driving force behind the concept of using your landscape for food as well as beauty and we are lucky to have her come to Spokane," says Pat Munts, Community Gardens Coordinator for the Spokane Regional Health District. "Vegetable and fruit plants can be just as beautiful and useful as landscape elements as ornamental plants."
Event details:
- Date and time: Friday, June 18, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
- Location: Trent Elementary School Auditorium, 3303 N. Pines Road, Spokane Valley, WA
- Cost and registration: $10 in advance or $12 at the door, call 324-1530 to sign up
The talk is being sponsored by Spokane's Food Access Coalition, a consortium of local organizations active in creating better access to healthy food and physical activity for the citizens of Spokane. Members of the group include: Spokane Regional Health District, WSU Extension, Fresh Abundance, 2nd Harvest Inland Northwest, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, YMCA, and Saint Margaret's Shelter/Vinegar Flats Garden.