Take the Pedestrian Plan Survey
Public Asked to Take Part in Second Regional Pedestrian Plan Survey
Your input is needed a second time to help develop a Spokane Regional Pedestrian Plan.
In June, members of the public were asked to take a short survey to help identify areas and issues that are barriers to walking in our community. Now a follow-up survey has been created to determine desired solutions to those barriers.
Spokane Regional Health District, Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), the City of Spokane, and the Regional Pedestrian Plan Committee have been working to develop a Regional Pedestrian Plan that addresses the need for additional projects, programs and policies that promote walking in our community. Feedback from everyday people who use the current pedestrian facilities is critical in developing the details of the Regional Pedestrian Plan. And the most effective way to get that feedback is through a series of surveys.
The second Pedestrian Plan survey can be taken at www.surveymonkey.com.
The definition of a pedestrian is any person who travels by foot, especially in an area that is also used by vehicles. This includes individuals in wheelchairs and on rollerblades and skateboards, meaning we are all considered to be pedestrians at one time or another.
Your input and comments on this survey are appreciated regardless of the amount of walking you do. Please take the time to complete the survey and provide us with valuable information by October 31.
For special accommodations or translation services, call 509/343-6370. SRTC assures nondiscrimination in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Media Contact: Julie Graham| 324-1539 JGraham@spokanecounty.org