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Mumps for Health Care Providers

Updated April 19, 2018

One case of confirmed mumps was identified in Spokane County this week. This case was travel-related and contacts were notified of exposure.

If a patient presents with concerns for mumps, please consult with Spokane Regional Health District Epidemiology at 509-324-1442 during business hours or 509-869-3133 after hours to determine appropriateness of testing and to receive instruction for specimen collection.  Mumps PCR testing using buccal swabs and urine is available through Washington State Public Health Lab with approval from SRHD and the laboratory submission form below. Serology is often not useful in vaccinated persons regardless of timing of specimen collection.

Prior to this recent case, the last known confirmed mumps cases in Spokane occurred in November 2017 and December 2017. 2017's cases were likely linked to a large outbreak in 2016-17 that Spokane County was considered an epicenter for. That large outbreak resulted in over 330 confirmed and probable cases. More information about the 2016-17 outbreak.

Nationally in 2018, 39 states (including several western states) and the District of Columbia have reported mumps infections in more than 600 people.

Mumps outbreaks can occur any time of year. A major factor contributing to outbreaks is being in a crowded environment, such as attending the same class, playing on the same sports team, or living in a dormitory with a person who has mumps. Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated communities, particularly in close-contact settings. High vaccination coverage helps limit the size, duration, and spread of mumps outbreaks. Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine prevents most, but not all, cases of mumps and complications caused by the disease. Two doses of the vaccine are 88% (range: 66% to 95%) effective at protecting against mumps; one dose is 78% (range: 49% to 92%) effective. 


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