
Circle of Control

February 03, 2022

Chances are you have been affected by a school or childcare closure, lack of staff at the workplace or have had to quarantine because of the rise in COVID-19 infections in the last month. The uncertainty can be exhausting, especially after two years of a pandemic. There are, however, things we can focus on to help find balance with feelings of reassurance and confidence.

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Get [Mentally] Fit in 2022

December 29, 2021

We know it’s tempting to grab that magazine or click on the ad that promises to get you in shape in the new year. However, let’s not forget a part of our body that often gets overlooked when it comes to getting strong and healthy. Let’s show some love to our brains this year. Whether you call it brain health or mental health, here are some simple (and some fun) tips to get mentally fit in 2022.

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Help for Holiday Gatherings

December 20, 2021

Throughout the pandemic it has been important to find joy and connection in new ways, and with high transmission and hospitalization rates in our area, it’s still important to remember a few tips for gathering safely. Setting expectations, testing, getting vaccinated, staying outside when possible, and letting people know if you tested positive for COVID-19 after the event are all ways to help make your gatherings safer.

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