
School Health & Safety Program

Each year the health district collaborates with its School Advisory Committee and holds a workshop for school health and safety partners. The workshop is required for schools and school districts participating in the self-inspection program.


The health district's innovative school inspection program includes a mix of inspections conducted by health district inspectors, plus re-inspections and self-inspections conducted by school staff. School and school district staff attend annual workshops to prepare for inspections. The workshops include technical updates and give schools and the health district the opportunity to work on health and safety issues.

2023 School Health & Safety Inspection Workshop

Thank you to our guest presenters and school partners who joined us for our annual workshop held Sept. 22, 2023 at NEWESD 101. The workshop agenda, presentations and handouts are listed below. Visit Health & Safety Inspections for more videos, inspection documents and presentations. See you next year!

Pollution Prevention in Schools