Programs and Services | Food Establishment Permits
Any person wishing to serve or distribute food in Spokane County must obtain approval or a permit to operate issued by Spokane Regional Health District.
To obtain a New or Remodeled Food Establishment Permit, please click here.
To ensure getting a permit is as simple as possible, the health district developed this process.
Below is a higher-level description of this process.
For new establishments, permit applications must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the projected date of opening or a penalty fee of 100% of the permit fee will be assessed.
Food establishment plan reviews and pre-opening inspections ensure compliance with food code requirements. Prior to construction or remodeling, food establishments must submit for the health district to approve:
Once construction is complete, a pre-opening inspection is conducted to verify the establishment has been constructed per the approved plans and all plan review approval requirements have been met.
A mobile unit holding a permit to operate in another County in Washington State and that wants to operate in Spokane County may qualify for a mobile unit secondary permit by applying for mobile unit reciprocity.
The application for reciprocity with all required documents must be submitted at least 14 days in advance of operating.
Pre-operational inspections are required before the establishment can operate. The following steps are required:
A Spokane Regional Health District inspector will conduct the required inspection:
Spokane Regional Health District is not the only agency required to issue approval for food establishments. The specific agencies involved vary depending upon location and type of operation.
Check out resources for prospective restaurant owners in the City of Spokane or the City of Spokane Valley.
View contact information for other agencies (doc) whose approval may be needed before operating a food establishment.
Learn about offering or selling food at a temporary food event, including pancake breakfasts, spaghetti feeds, and booths at large events.