Working together to continually improve our commuity.
The Spokane Health Advisory Council was created to advise the SRHD Health Officer how to improve the health of Spokane County residents by identifying public health needs based on current data and members’ knowledge and experience in the community, providing communication between the District and the community, and recommending health priorities.
Membership shall strive for diversity across sectors and be representative of the county’s geography. Members shall live or work in Spokane County and speak and act for one or more of the following organizations, professions and/or viewpoints:
To apply for a position representing vacant sectors on the Spokane Health Advisory Committee, please complete the Spokane Health Advisory Committee Application.
Michael Kittilstved, Spokane County Sheriff's Office
Toni Lodge, CEO/Native Project
Jonathan Mallahan, Vice President of Housing/Catholic Charities
Mark Richard, President & CEO/Downtown Spokane Partnership
Kurtis Robinson, Vice President Spokane Chapter/NAACP
Tim Schwering, Spokane Police Department
Jan Tokumoto, CEO/Frontier Behavioral Health
Nancy Vorhees, RN, MSN