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The Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Commercial Tobacco, Vaping and Youth Cannabis Prevention team recommends the following tobacco and cannabis use prevention toolkits for efforts to prevent youth from using tobacco and cannabis products.

Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

The Stanford Tobacco Prevention toolkit is a theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by educators and researchers, with input from students and parents, designed to prevent middle and high school students from using commercial tobacco and nicotine products. This kit is intended for use by educators, coalitions, and individuals wanting to share the effects of using tobacco and nicotine products with youth.

See The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

  • About this Kit

Stanford Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit

The Stanford Cannabis Awareness and Prevention toolkit is a theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by educators and researchers, with input from students and parents. The kit helps prevent middle and high school students from using cannabis products.

See the Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit

  • About this Kit

Cannabis Retailer Engagement Toolkit

In 2019, a group of Washington state public health workers, coalition coordinators and other organizations engaged in cannabis prevention formed the Cannabis Retailer Workgroup to share their experiences in engaging cannabis retailers in efforts to limit youth access. The workgroup created a toolkit for cannabis prevention coalitions and other prevention partners to use in efforts to engage cannabis retailers.

The Cannabis Retailer Toolkit can be accessed on the Healthier Washington Collaboration Portal. Follow the instructions on the site to create an account to access materials.

Prevention Resources