Programs and Services | Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
Children with special health care needs usually require health and related
services of a type or amount beyond what is typical. It is important for
children to have health insurance. It is also very important to find a primary
care provider who can get to know the child and family in order to address
the health needs that arise over time, and who can coordinate services within
the community.
Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage may be available for you. Learn more here from the Washington State Health Care Authority in applying for or renewing coverage.
Better Health Together offers free assistance with enrolling Washington residents in health insurance. Find our more from Navigators — Better Health Together.
Call Member Services and request either Medical or Behavior Health Case Manager support from any of the following:
In Washington state, five Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) are contracted to deliver Integrated Managed Care (ICM) services to eligible Medicaid clients, including care coordination and case management.
MCOs can assist members with problem solving, understanding and accessing benefits, arranging supplies, and coordinating care for complex health problems. They can also facilitate authorizations and referrals to community services.
Helping Washington families apply for health insurance, food assistance programs and more.
WIC has an extraordinary record of preventing children’s health problems and improving growth and development. Locally, the health district supports this vision by offering WIC services in several convenient locations.