SRHD Food Advisory Committee Needs New Members
Media Contact: Kelli Hawkins, SRHD | khawkins@srhd.org | 509.324.1539, c 509.994.8968
SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) is looking for volunteers to serve on its Food Advisory Committee.
The 13-member committee is a cooperative effort between SRHD’s Food Safety program and the local food industry. Members help develop educational materials and programs and provide input on food policies, procedures, regulations, and fees.
Openings include a representative who works in one of the following sectors in Spokane County:
- Food Industry Representative – 3 positions
Representative must work in a food-related industry in Spokane County.
- School District Representative – 1 position
Representative must work for a school district in Spokane County. - Consumer Representative – 1 position
Representative must live in Spokane county.
Terms last two years. Volunteers must be able to attend meetings on the first Wednesday of February, June, and November, plus a special meeting in January.
For more information or an application, contact SRHD’s Food Safety program at (509) 324-1560, ext. 2, or visit Food_Advisory_Committee_Application.pdf (srhd.org).
Applications must be received by Dec. 16, 2022.