Shelter and Warming Locations
Medically-trained volunteers are available to perform welfare checks in homes for individuals with non-emergency medical concerns or who depend on electricity to maintain health. To arrange a welfare check on yourself or a neighbor, individuals can call 2-1-1.
Otherwise, individuals without electricity, especially those who are vulnerable, are encouraged to seek shelter with family or friends who do have electricity. If that is not an option, several community shelter options are available, with plans underway to open more. Details listed below, or call 2-1-1 for more information.
- American Red Cross shelter – Girls Scouts facility, 1404 N. Ash St., open 24 hours, will take all ages and pets. Medically-vulnerable populations should be directed to this shelter. Residents should be independently ambulatory to stay.
- American Red Cross shelter - Cheney United Methodist Church, 204 4th St. in Cheney, 24 hours
- American Red Cross shelter - Valley Assembly of God located at 15618 E. Broadway in Spokane Valley, 24 hours
- Salvation Army warming center – 222 E. Indiana, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m., will take all ages.
- HOPE House - Operated by Volunteers of America, 113 W 3rd Ave Spokane, WA serves single women open tonight
- House of Charity single adults only – open at 6:00 p.m., 32 W Pacific
- Crosswalk - 525 W 2nd Ave - open 24 hours, 18 and under only
- St. Margaret’s shelter at 101 E Hartson. They will be offering shelter for overflow of women and children.
Additionally, several new service providers are offering places to seek storm relief. Three Spokane community centers will open Nov. 20 as day warming and power centers. Power has been restored to the Northeast Community Center (4001 N. Cook St.) and East Central Community Center (500 S. Stone), and both will be open from 8 am to 5 pm. A generator is in place at the West Central Community Center (1603 N. Belt), which will be open from 8:30 am-5:30 pm.
Spokane Public Schools will open five schools tomorrow from 8 am to 4 pm as warming and power locations. They are: Rogers High School (1622 E. Wellesley), Ferris High School (3020 E. 37th), Salk Middle School (6411 N. Alberta), Glover Middle School (2404 W. Longfellow), and Grant Elementary (1300 E. Ninth).
A generator has also been connected at the Salvation Army (222 E. Indiana), which is open this evening as a warming center beginning at 8 pm.
Additionally, the Union Gospel Mission (1224 E. Trent) will serve a second set of meals specifically for those impacted by the storm beginning tomorrow morning and running through dinner on Sunday. Breakfast will be served from 7-8 am, lunch from 12:30-1:30 pm, and dinner from 6-7 pm each day.
Existing day-use facilities
- Spokane Public Library from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Downtown (906 W. Main), East Side (524 S. Stone), Shadle (2111 W. Wellesley) and Indian Trail (4809 W. Barnes)
- North Spokane County Library (44 E. Hawthorne) will open at 10 am.
- Spokane Fire Stations 4 and 18, 1515 W. First and 120 E. Lincoln respectively
- Boys & Girls Clubs (544 E. Providence) will be open from noon to 6 pm
- C.O.P.S. Shadle (2215 W Wellesley) and Downtown (169 S Steven)
- Sinto Senior Center - 1124 W Sinto Ave
If an individual is just looking for an affordable warm meal
- Providence indicated that the cafeterias at Sacred Heart, St. Luke’s and Holy Family are open and a good place to purchase a meal.