After a Wildfire

Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality

Updated Sept. 5, 2023

After a wildfire, property owners have a lot to consider as they work toward cleaning up remaining structures and the land itself. Before you begin cleanup efforts on your property, review the following information about the potential hazards you may encounter and how and when to get started.

The most up-do-date, official information on this resource and fire response and recovery can be found on DEM’s Facebook page or on their website.

Understand the Hazards and Steps You Can Take

  • Checking Your Home After a Fire

  • Debris and Ash – Handling and Disposal

  • Disposal Of Burned Structures and Debris

  • Wildland Fire Chemical Cleanup

  • Disposal Of Household Chemicals

  • Propane and Heating Oil Tanks

  • Disposing of or Burying Animal Remains

  • Food Safety

  • Masks

  • Respiratory Health

  • Private Wells and Septic Systems

  • Water Disinfection

Taking Care of Yourself and Others

  • How to Help

  • Mental Health

Portions of this content adapted from materials produced by Chelan-Douglas Health District.