Posted Dec. 27, 2022. Past health advisories and alerts are archived for historical purposes and are not maintained or updated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing this Health
Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to notify clinicians and public health
authorities of a recent increase in pediatric invasive group A streptococcal
(iGAS) infections. In November 2022, CDC was notified of a possible increase in
iGAS infections among children at a hospital in Colorado. Potential increases
in pediatric iGAS cases in other states were subsequently noted by contributors
to the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s provider-based Emerging Infections
and by certain jurisdictions participating in CDC’s Active Bacterial Core
Surveillance System (ABCs). This increased number of pediatric iGAS cases in some
jurisdictions has occurred in the setting of increased circulation of
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2, and other
respiratory viruses. While the overall number of cases has remained relatively
low and iGAS infections remain rare in children, CDC is investigating these
This Health Advisory highlights the recent rise in iGAS infections in children,
the increased seasonal risk of iGAS disease for all age groups, and the
importance of early recognition, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment of these
diseases in children and adults.
Group A Streptococcus
(GAS) bacteria can cause a range of illnesses, from pharyngitis (i.e., strep throat)
and skin and soft tissue infections to uncommon but severe diseases such as
sepsis, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, and necrotizing fasciitis. These
severe and invasive diseases are associated with high mortality rates and
require immediate treatment, including appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Similar to other agents spread primarily by the respiratory route, cases of
GAS, including both iGAS and streptococcal pharyngitis (“strep throat”), tend
to have a pronounced seasonal pattern with a peak in December through April in
the United States. Strep throat is most common among school-aged children
(i.e., 5–15 years of age), and exposure to someone with strep throat is a risk
factor for iGAS infection. In addition, increased rates of iGAS infection have
been noted during times of increased influenza activity. Seasonal influenza
activity is currently high in the US and above the levels seen in recent years.
People with concurrent or preceding viral infections, such as influenza and
varicella (chickenpox), are at increased risk for iGAS infection. Other groups
at higher risk for iGAS include:
iGAS cases reported to ABCs, CDC’s active laboratory-and population-based surveillance system for invasive bacterial pathogens, were lower than usual among all age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. This decrease started in April 2020 and was partly due to associated respiratory disease mitigation measures. A review of preliminary ABCs data from 2022 demonstrated a monthly increase in the number of confirmed iGAS cases in children between September to November, above what was seen in the same period in 2020 and 2021. However, it is too early to determine whether this rise is beyond what would be expected for pre-COVID-19 GAS seasonal patterns.
Recommendations for Healthcare Providers
Recommendations for the Public
For More Information