Alerts:  Nov. 12, 2024: Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak confirmed in Spokane County. SRHD urges parents and pregnant people to vaccinate. Read the press release.   |  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.


Smoking and Pregnancy

Smoking and Pregnancy

If you are planning to become pregnant, the best thing you can do for your baby’s health is stop smoking. If you are currently pregnant, it’s never too late to stop smoking. Smoking during pregnancy will harm your baby.

  • Health Impacts of Smoking During Pregnancy [1]
    • Smoking during pregnancy is harmful to your baby. It can cause things like:
      • The baby being born too early (premature birth)
      • The baby being born at a lower birth weight or with a birth defect
      • The baby being more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Secondhand Smoke [2]
    • Secondhand smoke is smoke that comes from cigarettes. It contains more than 7,000 chemicals, some which cause cancer. Any amount of secondhand smoke exposure is unsafe. Babies and children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to experience:
      • More frequent and severe asthma attacks
      • Respiratory infections
      • Ear infections
      • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Thirdhand Smoke [3]
    • Thirdhand smoke is lingering particles from secondhand smoke. The chemicals from cigarette smoke mix with other pollutants in the air and together the chemicals let off cancer causing compounds. Thirdhand smoke clings to things like clothing, furniture, walls, and to the inside of vehicles where children can be exposed. To help prevent thirdhand smoke exposure:
      • Avoid smoking indoors
      • Avoid smoking in vehicles
      • Make sure to wash your hands and change your clothes after smoking and before being near children

[1] Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (April 23, 2018). Pregnant or Planning to Have a Baby. Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

[2] Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (January 17, 2018). Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke. Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

[3] Mayo Clinic. (July 13, 2017). What is third hand smoke and why is it a concern? Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

Stopping Smoking Will Make You Healthier

The best way to improve your health is to stop smoking. Just 20 minutes after a cigarette your body starts to repair the damage caused by smoking. Other benefits of stopping smoking include [1]:

  • Healthier lungs
  • Stronger immune system
  • Lower cancer risk
  • Healthier heart
  • Clearer skin
  • Better vision and hearing

[1] Benefits of Quitting. (n.d.). Benefits of Quitting. Retrieved October 31, 2018 from   

You Can Stop Smoking

It can take 7-10 (and sometimes more) attempts to stop smoking before a person stops for good. Each time you try, you get better, so think of it as practice. The best way to stop smoking is to use a combination of counseling and medication.  

Here’s a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Counseling
    • Counseling can help you manage cravings, find new things to do instead of smoke, and support you in stopping smoking.
    • Here’s a few resources that might help:
      • Call 1-800-QUITNOW for telephone counseling and support
      • Visit Smoke Free Women and sign up for text support
      • Download the 2morrowquit app for free for Washington State residents
      • Call
        Providence Pharmacotherapy Clinic Holy Family (509)482-3057 or their Sacred Heart location (509) 474-2232 to sign up for in-person counseling and support, medication, and self-help materials. Pharmacists offer one-on-one counseling including personalized quit plans, goal setting, medication prescribing, and special support for pregnant women.
      • Sign up for Inland Northwest Health Services' Quit for Good cessation class. It’s a free class and offers free gum, patches, and lozenges to people who are uninsured or who have insurance that does not cover these products. Register here or call 509.232.8138
      • Download more resources
    • Consider trying nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) Any time you begin a
      new medication, make sure to check with your healthcare provider about what is best for you, especially if you are pregnant. Some medications are unsafe for pregnant women.
      • What is NRT?
        • NRT is medications that can help you overcome nicotine withdrawal, so you can taper off smoking cigarettes. They work by giving you a small, controlled amount of nicotine without all the dangerous chemicals that are in cigarettes.
        • NRT comes in a variety of forms that are used in different ways. For some people, some NRT products work better than others—there are pros and cons to each type. Consult with your healthcare provider to decide which NRT is best for you.
        • Curious about NRT myths? Click here.
        • Some medications are not safe for pregnant women, but may be recommended to you by a healthcare provider if you are thinking about becoming pregnant and want to stop smoking. Other medications are also available to help you stop smoking like Varenicline (Chantix) and Buproprion (Zyban). There are benefits and side effects to both of these medications, and its best to consult with a healthcare provider to learn which is best for you.
Types of NRT. [1]
PATCH Over the counter
Place on the skin Gives a small and steady amount of nicotine
GUM Over the counter Chew to release nicotine
Chew until you get a tingling feeling, then place between cheek and gums
LOZENGE Over the counter Place in the mouth like hard candy Releases nicotine as it slowly dissolves in the mouth
INHALER Prescription Cartridge attached to a mouthpiece Inhaling through the mouthpiece gives a specific amount of nicotine
Prescription Pump bottle containing nicotine Put into nose and spray

[1] Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (September 17, 2018). Learn About Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

Tips for Stopping Smoking

Remember, sometimes it takes 7-10 attempts before you stop smoking for good. Keep trying.

  • Here’s some tips to get you started:
    • Make a quit plan. This includes a quit day, letting people in your life know you’re quitting, and identifying triggers that make you want to smoke. Here is a list of things you can include in your quit plan.
    • Prepare for cravings. This means making a plan for how you’ll replace smoking with something else. Cravings will only last 5-10 minutes, and it helps to have things you can do instead of smoke.
    • Join a community of people who are quitting and tell people closest to you that you are quitting. 
    • Sign up to get support. You can join smokefree text to get support through text messages or download 2morrowquit, a free app for Washington state residents.
  • Smoking because you feel stressed? Consider some of these healthy stress management tips [1]:
    • Exercise – its free, and even a short walk can help.
    • Take deep breaths – take a few slow deep breaths when you feel stress.
    • Visualize – think of a place you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. Picture it for a few moments until you feel calmer.
    • Talk to a friend or family member who can support you.
    • Focus – try to focus on one thing at time.
    • Take care of yourself – make sure you get enough sleep, water, and healthy food.

  [1] Coping with Stress Without Smoking. (n.d.). Benefits of Quitting. Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

Nurse-Family Partnership

Nurse-Family Partnership

Free program for women who are pregnant with their first baby. Enrolled moms are connected to a registered nurse who provides the support, advice and information needed to have a healthy pregnancy and be a great mom.

Click Here
Weed to Know for Baby & You

Weed to Know for Baby & You

Providing facts around harms associated with marijuana use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and caregiving.

Click Here
Access to Baby & Child Dentistry Program

Access to Baby & Child Dentistry Program

Matches Medicaid-eligible children, ages 0-6, to a dentist for fluoride, exams, parent education and restorative care.

Click Here