
Pre-Travel Vaccine Recommendations Available Online

Pre-Travel Vaccine Recommendations Available Online

July 18, 2019

CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly called the Yellow Book) for healthcare professionals is available online to help determine which vaccines are necessary prior to travel. It is helpful to remind patients to start planning for their travel vaccines at least two months prior to their planned departure date to avoid difficulty in securing required vaccine and appointments to administer vaccine.

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Locally Acquired Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Locally Acquired Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

July 18, 2019

For the first time in nearly 20 years, a Washington resident has been infected with confirmed locally acquired Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). While rare (zero to three cases in Washington per year), this case serves as a good reminder of the possibility of locally acquired tickborne diseases and the need to take appropriate precautions when in tick habitats.

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Measles Outbreak in Clark County - 74 Cases and Almost Over

Measles Outbreak in Clark County - 74 Cases and Almost Over

April 17, 2019

With the last case confirmed on March 18, the Clark County measles outbreak that started at the end of December may finally be nearing an end – 74 cases in Washington have been reported (73 in Clark County, one in King County) and four in the Portland, OR area as of April 16.  Public health will declare the outbreak over after two incubation periods (42 days) without new cases.

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Spotlight On Our Team - Kari Lidbeck

April 17, 2019

In each issue of the Epigram, authors introduce readers to a member of the health district's Disease Prevention and Response team. In this issue, Kari Lidbeck, Immunization Community Network Specialist, is featured. Lidbeck works in the Immunization Assessment and Promotion program, where she focuses on increasing immunization rates in birth to kindergarten-age children and community immunization services.

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