August is National Immunization Awareness Month: are your kids up to date?

Life as a parent is busy enough! When you're busy helping your little one's juggle school, homework, after-school activities, childcare, play dates, and more, your to-do list can pile up quickly—and you might not know where to start. But if there's one thing you can prioritize and feel good about crossing off your to-do list, it's getting your kids up to date on their vaccines.
With August being National Immunization Awareness Month, it's a great time to consider scheduling a well-child visit with their doctor to get them up to date before school begins! Now, we know you might have questions about which vaccines are recommended for your child and when they should receive them. When you’ve got a lot on your plate, it can feel like the last thing you want to spend time looking into.
No worries though! The immunization schedule from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clearly lays out which vaccines are recommended for your child, and mobile apps like MyIR can help you quickly check which vaccines they have already received. Let’s take a look below!
Which vaccines does my child need?
Here’s an easy way to find out! The child and adolescent immunization schedule from the CDC shows you which vaccines your child might need for their age and the number of doses they’ll need to be considered fully vaccinated against a particular disease or virus.
Staying up to date on recommended vaccines is the best way to teach your child's immune system how to protect them against serious diseases they might encounter during childhood and throughout their lifetime, including ones we thought we might never see again – like measles, diphtheria, and polio.
Vaccines against COVID-19 are now also recommended for children six months and older. To view the full recommended immunization schedule, visit: Birth-18 Years Immunization Schedule – Healthcare Providers | CDC

How do I know which vaccines my child has already received?
If you’re not sure which vaccines your child has already received, you have a few options for checking! One of the easiest ways is so to download the MyIR mobile app or visit wa.myir.net to access all records for vaccines received in Washington state. Once you follow a quick registration process, you’ll be able to see which vaccines your family has completed and which upcoming ones they might still need.
Another way to access your child immunization record is by reaching out to their current or previous healthcare provider, pharmacy, or clinic where you think they may have been vaccinated. Thy'll be able to provide you with your child's immunization record when you sign an information release form. Simple as that! For additional ways to access your family immunization records, visit: Vaccines & Immunization | SRHD
Is it time to get vaccinated?
If you think your child might be due for another vaccine or if you have questions about getting your little one(s) vaccinated, don't hesitate to reach out to their primary provider about scheduling a well-child visit. They'll be happy to help you stay up to date with your child’s vaccinations or answer any questions you might have.
If you don't have a primary care provider, most pharmacies and family clinics will offer routine vaccines for kids, including the COVID-19 vaccine. Spokane Regional Heath District also has a few upcoming vaccine clinics offering childhood and adult vaccines. Learn more at: Events | SRHD
During National Immunization Awareness Month, it’s a good idea (and time!) to check your child’s immunization record and see if there are any vaccines they might still need for their age. Staying up to date can help them live their #bestlife and protect their health as they get out there and enjoy everything from playdates, after school activities, sports, and more. Learn more about vaccines and immunizations at: Vaccines & Immunization | SRHD