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Tips for a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!

Tips for a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!

December 07, 2022

There is a lot of advice out there about how to have a great holiday. There are tips for amateur bakers, enthusiastic DIYers, and Hallmark movie marathoners, but some tips are helpful for almost everybody. We’d like to share a few reminders to help everybody stay healthy enough to enjoy whatever traditions they have this time of year.

Keep things in moderation:

Keep things in moderation:

Remember to keep things like activities, expectations, food, and drinks under control. Decide your limit ahead of time so you don’t get caught up in the moment and overindulge. If you’re feeling exhausted, sick, or overwhelmed, step back and evaluate where you may need to cut back.

Get enough sleep:

Get enough sleep:

Yes, Santa accomplishes a lot by pulling an all-nighter, but until you have flying reindeer and a team of elves, it's best go to bed at a normal hour. Sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Your body and brain need rest, especially during cold and flu season. If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, revisit tip #1.

Get your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, wash your hands often and wear masks where recommended:

Get your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, wash your hands often and wear masks where recommended:

Help keep yourself and your loved ones safe by getting a flu shot and ensuring you ‘re up to date on your COVID-19 vaccinations. Don’t forget to also wash your hands often and consider wearing a mask if you plan to be in a crowded indoor space, such as public transportation when traveling for the holidays. This can help keep everybody from the stress and isolation illness can cause. Plus, you don’t want to miss out on any fun holiday celebrations!

Reach out for support:

Reach out for support:

This season can trigger tough emotions. Reach out to a friend, loved one, or professional for support. The 988 suicide and crisis lifeline is available 24 hours a day for anybody needing help. Check in on family and friends because they may be struggling too.

Know your why:

Know your why:

Make sure your energy is spent on the reason you are celebrating a holiday, not on routines and expectations. Consider writing your "whys' on a sticky note and putting it somewhere you can see every day—like your bathroom mirror. Having a daily reminder of why you're celebrating in the first place can help re-direct your energy and focus as you get ready to celebrate the holidays.