Let's Talk Boosters
Let's talk boosters! First off, booster shots can be an important tool in helping build your immunity against COVID-19. If you received your initial vaccine series of either Pfizer or Moderna or one dose of Johnson & Johnson, kudos to you! You took the first step in protecting yourself against COVID-19.
Now that we know more about the virus and its variants though, booster shots are recommended to help further your protection. Let's break it down. When you received your first dose(s) of the vaccine, your body worked hard to produce antibodies that could protect you from the virus and prevent you from becoming severely ill or hospitalized with COVID-19.
However, the level of protection you get from your primary vaccine series can decrease over time. When this happens, a booster shot can help "boost" your immune system and encourage it to produce more antibodies—helping you maintain your level of immunity.
We know there have been quite a few changes when it comes to who can receive a booster shot and when. That's why we're here to clear up some of the confusion with a couple of handy charts. Check them out to learn more and see if you're eligible. If so, you can schedule an appointment to get your booster shot at: vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov