
Child Abuse and Neglect are Solvable Community Issues

Child Abuse and Neglect are Solvable Community Issues

April 25, 2022

Spring is the season of hope and new beginnings. During Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness month, it seems especially relevant to reflect on the opportunities that lie before us as we, as a community, decide what our “new normal” will be. We can choose to continue building a resilient community that strengthens families, builds community connections, encourages a healthy work/life balance and nurtures children or… not. The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the mental toll of social isolation, the struggles families with young children face, the digital divide, and the discomfort of asking for help.

“Thankfully during a time full of hardships, innovative measures were put into place that reduced the stress on many families.”

Economic downturns can increase risk of harm to children, but encouragingly, current data is showing that physical child abuse did not increase in the U.S. during the pandemic. Many child advocates believe that the reasons behind this revelation include:

  • Parents and caregivers were able to spend time with and connect with their children.
  • Additional unemployment benefits and food assistance, increase in the child tax credit, and the adoption of various moratoriums stabilized families.
  • Schools and community agencies worked together to ensure that students’ needs were met.
  • Some employers could allow for flexible work schedules and locations.
  • Parents and caregivers were directed to resources to learn the developmental ages and stages of the kids in their care to help them process pandemic fears and realities.
Visit the project pinwheel page on our web site:

Visit the project pinwheel page on our web site:

Children are shaped by the experiences they have - both good and bad. It is in society’s best interest to ensure that every child has access to positive experiences and strong, healthy relationships that help to build a strong foundation for future success. There are so many ways we can support children and families. For Childhood Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month, challenge yourself to take another - or your first - step to support children in our community by visiting the Project Pinwheel website to learn about the issue and what you can do.