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Fourth of July

Fourth of July

June 25, 2021

It’s time to celebrate. Not only do we have the tradition behind Independence Day to reflect on, but we can also celebrate how much progress our community has made towards overcoming the pandemic in the last year. Independence Day looked different last year. This year it may feel a little more normal, but now that more people are getting vaccinated and the state is reopening, there may be some confusion about what’s safe and what isn’t. Let’s cover some basics on how to have a fun and safe Fourth of July celebration this year.

First and foremost, consumer fireworks (sparklers included) are illegal in the City of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Millwood, Cheney, and unincorporated areas of Spokane County. This law has proven to lower injuries and prevent unintended fires, especially during such a hot, dry summer.

It is also important to remember we are still in a pandemic. If you are going to meet up with people, it would be best to spend time outside (unless heat or wildfire smoke make it unsafe). If you are unvaccinated, it is still important to wear a mask if you are meeting with people outside of your household and are unable to socially distance. If you are vaccinated, you still need to wear a mask indoors if a business or organization requires it. And, of course, everybody should be washing and sanitizing their hands often.

The City of Spokane has postponed their four firework shows due to the fire danger in the region,* but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have some fun in a safe way. Check out a concert at Arbor Crest Winery, cheer on the Spokane Indians, or watch the Riverfront Park Pavilion light show. You can also create some safe activities with a neighborhood parade, glow in the dark games, or some backyard Olympics. These can all be outside and allow for social distancing if needed.

Finally, have some fun. It’s been a rough year, and it’s important to do things for your mental health. Interacting with others, laughing, and remembering the things you are grateful for are all good for you and easy to include in your holiday festivities.

*This blog was updated on July 2, 2021 to reflect the City of Spokane's postponement of the Independence Day firework shows.