Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.


Transportation Options for Essential Activities

Transportation Options for Essential Activities

April 01, 2020

Spokane Transit Authority (STA) announced operational changes to comply with Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. In an effort to maintain transportation options for the public to perform essential activities, and comply with social distancing recommendations, STA will make the following changes:

  • Temporarily reduce service on some routes because of reduced ridership. Customers who need transportation to essential activities will be encouraged to maintain social distancing guidelines during their trip.
  • No fares will be collected from passengers.
  • Passengers will be asked to use the rear doors of the bus only to enter and exit. Passengers requiring mobility assistance can continue to use the front doors.
  • Vehicles are disinfected each night, and a second cleaning will be added during the daily shift.
  • To protect vulnerable older adults, STA is offering rides to people age 60 and over who must travel to essential destinations. Passengers will ride door-to-door in STA Paratransit Vans. The number of passengers per vehicle will be limited to maximize social distancing during travel. Other program details include:
    • Passengers can schedule trips the day before, or the same day with at least two hours advance notice.
    • Passengers will be required to show proof of age.
    • Rides for seniors are limited to essential trips to grocery stores, pharmacies, medical appointments and work.
    • Trips must be within STA’s Paratransit boundary which is defined to be within three-quarters (3/4) of a mile from an existing bus route.
    • Seniors may be accompanied by one companion.
    • Trips are based on van operator availability and may be subject to adjustments. Van operators may arrive up to 30 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time.
    • To schedule a trip, contact a Paratransit Reservationist at 509.328.1552. Paratransit Reservationists may provide additional information and instructions to passengers.  

While waiting for or riding on public transit, please respect social distancing guidelines by maintaining a 6-foot distance between you and other passengers as much as possible. The STA Plaza will be open for customer questions and takeout services at its various restaurants. However, they ask passengers not to wait inside to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19. Thank you for helping to keep the bus and van drivers healthy so they can continue to offer transportation to essential services. Be sure to thank your driver for maintaining these important services to our community!

For more information about Spokane Transit and its essential services during the emergency response, visit and look for the red “Coronavirus Info” tab at the top of the page.