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Check Immunizations off Your List

Check Immunizations off Your List

August 18, 2020

August is a time when families start thinking about immunizations needed for school. This year everything feels different. Many schools will not offer in-person learning, and clinics have so many new protocols it’s hard to know when we should or should not be seen. In spite of these changes, it is still important to receive routine immunizations.

Even if kids are not going to school in-person they should continue to receive immunizations at the recommended age. The immunization schedule is set to protect infants and children when they are most vulnerable. If you aren’t sure which ones your child needs, check out this easy to read schedule. Don’t forget that adults have recommendations too! This year, being immunized against the flu will be extremely important to keep people healthy and from using the hospital resources needed to treat patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19.

Even though kids aren't physically going back to school, it's still a good time to immunize.

Even though kids aren't physically going back to school, it's still a good time to immunize.

So, you know you need immunizations, but is it safe or appropriate to go to your clinic right now? Please be assured that you and your family’s health is still a top priority. Medical providers are doing everything they can to get children and adults in for routine appointments in the safest way possible. If you feel unsure about safety measures at your clinic, call your primary care provider and ask them what they are doing to keep you and your family safe.

Finally, if you need help paying for vaccines, ask your child’s doctor or nurse about the Vaccines for Children program. This program provides free vaccines to children who are Medicaid-eligible, uninsured, underinsured, or American Indian/Alaska Native.

In this time of change, one thing that has not changed is the importance of getting immunizations. When many are feeling helpless, it is important to remember this powerful way to protect our families and our entire community.