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Become an Adult Vaccine Provider

Become an Adult Vaccine Provider

July 18, 2019

Washington State Department of Health (DOH) Adult Vaccine Program (AVP) provides vaccine for adults 19 years of age and older who are uninsured or underinsured. This program is funded using 317 federal funding and vaccine is available for providers to order for a limited time once a year (usually during June to September). Vaccines are sent to approved healthcare providers at no cost to the provider. Providers agree to not charge patients for vaccine or sell vaccine, and will not refuse to administer vaccine to patients who cannot afford an administration fee. Providers may charge patients who can pay an administration fee up to $23.44. Some monthly or quarterly reporting requirements apply.

Healthcare providers who wish to enroll in the AVP must sign and submit a Provider Agreement, located in the Adult Vaccine Program User Manual.

Providers are notified of program initiation, changes, and deadlines through the Adult Vaccine Program Updates newsletter. The newsletter includes program requirements, changes, and helpful information regarding adult vaccines. If you are interested in receiving the newsletter, email to request addition to the distribution list.

For more information:
Adult Vaccine Program User Manual
Offered Vaccine for 2019