
New Five-Year (2012-16) Communicable Diseases Report Now Available

New Five-Year (2012-16) Communicable Diseases Report Now Available

July 16, 2018

The latest Five-Year Communicable Diseases Report for Healthcare Providers from SRHD for 2012-16 (the most recent years for which complete data are available) was published last month. Data are organized by disease type, and include new spotlight features on recent diseases that have had local impact, including mumps, the 2016 norovirus outbreak at House of Charity, and Zika virus. Also new this year are comparison figures with US population data.

Public health officials use notifiable condition reporting to help protect the public’s health by tracking communicable diseases and other conditions. Healthcare providers play a vital role in notifiable condition reporting and investigation, and we truly appreciate your assistance and partnership.

Five-Year Communicable Diseases Report (2012-2016) PDF