Everyone is a pedestrian. People walk for recreation, exercise, and commuting. Reasons for walking may include gas prices, environmental concerns and improving health. If a community does not account for the needs of pedestrians, they are at risk for injury. Motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians must all act responsibly to ensure safety for all. A community with a road system that accommodates multiple modes of travel also decreases the risk of injury.
Take steps to be safe when walking on roadways. This includes exercising caution at intersections and crosswalks and increasing your visibility at night by wearing retro-reflective clothing and carrying flashlights.
“On average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in traffic crashes. Fourteen percent of all traffic fatalities and an estimated 3 percent of those injured in traffic crashes were pedestrians.” (Traffic Safety Facts: Pedestrians, April 2014)