Spokane Regional Health District Announces Transition of COVID-19 Isolation Services to Salvation Army
Kelli Hawkins, SRHD | khawkins@srhd.org | 509.324.1539, c 509.994.8968
Spokane, Wash. – Starting Nov 1, 2021, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) has partnered with Salvation Army to provide isolation services for individuals in the community who test positive for COVID-19 and do not have the resources to isolate themselves at home.
Isolation is a crucial component in the fight against COVID-19. Throughout the pandemic response, isolation has been provided for members of the community whose living situation makes it difficult to isolate safely from others. This could be due to many reasons such as living in a multigenerational household or within a congregate setting.
Contracted through Spokane County, Salvation Army will provide isolation services within six of their studio apartments for the next 12 months. Two of the apartments are adjoining rooms to help assist larger families. Transition from the United Gospel Mission (UGM) facility took place yesterday.
Dr. Francisco Velázquez, SRHD health officer, explained UGM’s support was instrumental to ensuring isolation was provided at a time it was most needed, when cases were rising. It gave SRHD time to find a long-term solution that meets the needs for all of Spokane County.
“Having Salvation Army as a long-term isolation partner is essential to our recovery efforts,” Velázquez said. “Salvation Army’s commitment to serve the community and support public health is invaluable.”
SRHD continues to work with community partners to address isolation needs unique to families, those who need clinical care, and those with behavioral health needs. They also continue to provide wrap-around services such as training of site staff, daily meals, delivery of personal items such as medications, housekeeping, transportation, COVID-19 testing, and security.