SRHD Supports In-person Instruction for Early Learners
Media Contact: Kelli Hawkins | khawkins@srhd.org | (509) 324-1539, c (509) 994-8968
Spokane, Wash. – With a firm eye on the data, Spokane Health Officer Dr. Bob Lutz announced today his support for Spokane County school districts allowing early learners (K-2) to convert to in-person school.
Lutz explained schools, both public and private, to include Spokane Public Schools, Central Valley, Cheney and West Valley, have been working closely with Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) to develop plans for the eventual return to in-person learning.
“We’re watching the data closely, and although our county remains in the high range, we feel confident in the plans these school districts have developed for a safe return to in-person learning,” Lutz explained.
Lutz stated he supports schools bringing kindergarten students back to in-person learning, with a phased return for the remainder of elementary grades. This will address needs for social and emotional learning and skill development, concerns of child safety, and academic inequities among those with limited access to technology – all needs that regular interaction with school employees identify.
“Our guidance for opening schools has been a balancing act,” Lutz said. “On one hand we are ensuring the health and well-being of our community, and on the other we have to care for the mental wellness and address academic disparities among students – especially for our youngest learners.”
“We continue to have a collective responsibility to slow the spread of COVID-19,” Lutz said. “If we want to move forward with in-person learning, we need to be steadfast with following health guidance.”