SRHD Housing Washington Poison Center Staff
Spokane Regional Health District Partners with Washington Poison Center to House Staff Member for Eastern, Central Washington
SPOKANE, Wash. – March 31, 2016 – In an effort to expand the reach of Washington Poison Center (WAPC) into eastern and central parts of the state, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) is partnering with the center to host a health educator at the health district’s Spokane headquarters, 1101 W. College Ave.
The health educator, Jared O’Connor, will bring expertise, collaboration, and professional and public education to these areas to prevent harm from poisoning. O’Connor’s background also includes emergency preparedness—another skill that will benefit both the poison center and the health district.
Public health entities like SRHD are in place to assist with prevention of disease and promotion of health. To do this work well, the health district focuses its attention on the collaborative efforts needed to achieve the vision of “healthy people in healthy communities.” By providing an office location for WAPC staff, public health can better support collaboration with this comprehensive, community-based poison control system.
If you have any requests for poison education, materials or questions regarding poison and drug public education, please feel free to contact O’Connor at joconnor@wapc.org or call 206-517-2396.
For updates and other resources specific to the health district, please visit www.srhd.org. Spokane Regional Health District’s web site also offers comprehensive, updated information about Spokane Regional Health District and its triumphs in making Spokane a safer and healthier community. Become a fan of SRHD on Facebook to receive local safety and wellness tips. You can also follow us on Twitter @spokanehealth.