DEM: Air Quality to Remain Unhealthy Thru 8/26
FYI…Spokane Regional Health District is distributing this information on behalf of Greater Spokane Emergency Management and Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. Please contact them directly with any questions.
August 24, 2015
Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, Director of Greater Spokane Emergency Management would like to provide residents with the following information:
Spokane Clean Air Agency in conjunction with the Air Resource Advisor for NE Area Command project the air quality will remain in the unhealthy category for the Spokane Metro Area through Wednesday. This information will be updated daily or when changes warrant. It is still advisable for those that are sensitive to smoke to stay indoors if possible and others to limit your exposure.
The latest local air quality can be found here: www.spokanecleanair.org
Spokane Fire Department has a website with advice on dealing with wildfire smoke
Fire Departments from Spokane County continue to assist several counties in Eastern Washington.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those in the affected areas and we stand ready to assist.”
Sheriff Knezovich
For information on Eastern Washington Fires and beyond: http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/
I you would like to speak to someone about volunteering to fight these fires please contact either of these two people below. Please be patient as the phone lines can be overwhelmed at times.
Omak center, contact Jay Guthrie at 360-826-2546 or email CRC.Omak@gmail.com.
Colville, contact Julie Sacket at 509-675-7847 or email CRC.Colville@gmail.com.
If you’d like to donate to those affected by the fires in Eastern Washington please give only money donations at this time to the Charity or Non-Governmental Organization of your choice.
Please check on organizations that you don’t recognize to insure they are legitimate.