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Spokane Regional Health District Recognizes National Public Health Week 2014, April 7-13, Promoting This Year’s Theme, “Public Health: Start Here”

For more information contact Kim Papich, SRHD Public Information Officer (509) 324-1539
SPOKANE, Wash. – April 3, 2014 – Every year in the United States, seven out of 10 deaths are due to preventable chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.1 In fact, chronic diseases account for a whopping 75 percent of national health care spending, yet only 3 percent of our health care dollars go toward prevention.2 Here in Spokane County, 28,000 individuals have heart disease, and it is attributed as the second-leading cause of death for residents.3 But there are many preventative steps the community can take to help turn these statistics around.
Many programs at Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) center around the fun, easy and small steps residents can take to make prevention a part of their lives and National Public Health Week (NPHW) 2014 is the perfect time to highlight those steps.
This year, NPHW takes place April 7-13 and focuses on the theme “Public Health: Start Here” to engage with communities and individuals. “Public Health: Start Here” is a great reminder to the community that SRHD staff can help residents navigate the changing public health system, where more choices will be available to them in achieving and maintaining better health.
“We all have a role to play in making our communities healthier places and Spokane Regional Health District is excited to help lead the way,” said Dr. Joel McCullough, SRHD health officer. “Many small preventive steps can add up to make a big difference in transforming a health care system focused on treatment to one that equally values prevention.”
To share in the celebration of NPHW with the community, the health district will highlight a different theme each week day, April 7 -11, centered on the preventive steps each individual can play in bettering the overall health environment.

  • Monday, April 7: Be healthy from the start. From maternal health and school nutrition to emergency preparedness, public health starts at home. Let us show you around.
  • Tuesday, April 8: Don't panic. Disaster preparedness starts with community-wide commitment and action. We're here to help you weather the unexpected.
  • Wednesday, April 9: Get out ahead. Prevention is now a nationwide priority. Let us show you where you fit in.
  • Thursday, April 10: Eat well. The system that keeps our nation's food safe and healthy is complex. We can guide you through the choices.
  • Friday, April 11: Be the healthiest nation in one generation. Best practices for community health come from around the globe. We have a world of public health to show you. 

Also, on Thursday, April 10, again in honor of NPHW, the health district is proud to partner with multiple agencies in hosting a free film screening of The House I Live In. Filmed in more than twenty states, The House I Live In captures heart-wrenching stories of those on the front lines of America’s drug war and offers a penetrating look at the profound human rights implications. Since the film recognizes drug abuse as a matter of public health, it is only fitting that it helps bring National Public Health Week to a close in Spokane.

Since 1995, communities nationwide have celebrated NPHW each April to draw attention to the need to help protect and improve the nation’s health. The event helps educate and engage Americans in the movement to create a healthier America for ourselves and the generations to come. Spokane residents have a role to play in making America the healthiest nation in one generation. And it starts with taking the simple preventive steps that lead to better health,>.

For more information about National Public Health Week, visit Information can also be found at SRHD’s website offers comprehensive, updated information about Spokane Regional Health District and its triumphs in making Spokane County a safer and healthier community. Become a fan of SRHD on Facebook to receive local safety and wellness tips. You can also follow us on Twitter @spokanehealth.

1 Kung HC, Hoyert DL, Xu JQ, Murphy SL. Deaths: final data for 2005. National Vital Statistics Reports 2008;56(10). Available from:

2 APHA. The Prevention and Public Health Fund: A critical investment in our nation’s physical and fiscal health. June 2012. Available at: 3 2011 BRFSS, Spokane County.,>