Government Shutdown Potential Impact to WIC
Government Shutdown Potential Impact to WIC
Please see Washington State Department of Health release below, announcing that reimbursement of WIC checks is in jeopardy in the event of a temporary state government shutdown on July 1, 2013. Of note, Spokane Regional Health District is one of approximately six WIC providers statewide that will remain open, at least until July 20, 2013, in the event the state budget is not approved.
Although WIC participants will not be able to use their vouchers to take to the grocery store to buy nutritious foods during a shutdown, SRHD staff will still see clients and provide nutrition and breastfeeding education and support, as well as assistance in accessing health care and other related services.
Spokane Regional Health District oversees six WIC clinics locally, serving approximately 12,000 clients monthly. Clients or anyone else with questions can visit www.spokanewic.org for up-to-date information about the state budgeting process and its potential impact to WIC.
WIC clients in WA should use benefits soon in case of government shutdown
Grocers cannot accept WIC checks after July 1 without a state budget
For more information, contact Tim Church, DOH Communications Office (360) 236-4077
OLYMPIA - June 27, 2013 - Participants in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program will soon be unable to use their WIC checks if the state budget impasse doesn’t end by July 1. The WIC program is among many state services at risk of stopping during a temporary government shutdown if the budget deadline isn’t met, but WIC clients could be affected sooner.
Retailers who accept WIC checks when clients buy their prescribed healthy foods are reimbursed by the state. If there is a government shutdown, the state would be unable to reimburse retailers for WIC checks, WIC clinics will close, and WIC stores and farmers market growers will be unable to process WIC checks. So participants who planned to shop next week are urged to use their WIC checks by this weekend, in case there is a shutdown on Monday.
The impact is significant: About 195,000 low income state residents take part in the WIC Nutrition Program each month. WIC checks provide formula for about 27,000 infants each month. Every day, about $472,000 worth of WIC checks for healthy WIC-approved foods are processed in our state.
The state Department of Health and WIC partners are working to notify partners and participants; WIC clinics and authorized stores will be asked to help spread the word by posting signs about the situation.
The Department of Health website (www.doh.wa.gov) is your source for a healthy dose of information. Also, find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.