Partners Abound in Support of this Year’s Traffic Awareness and Pedestrian Safety Week, June 4 - 10
For more information: Ann Deasy, City of Spokane adeasy@spokanecity.org, (509) 625-6318
Kim Papich, Spokane Regional Health District kpapich@spokanecounty.org, (509) 624-5838
SPOKANE, Wash. – June 1, 2012 – Next week marks an incredible opportunity for residents to help make Spokane neighborhoods safer and more livable. It’s Spokane’s 14###sup/sup### annual Traffic Awareness and Pedestrian Safety Week, Mon., June 4 to Sun., June 10, and this year, numerous partners are at the heart of its celebration.
The event was originated by the Rockwood Neighborhood Council and the Community Assembly’s Pedestrian, Transportation & Traffic (PeTT) committee. It has flourished to include Spokane Regional Health District as they work to promote Stickman Knows, Spokane’s first comprehensive road safety education campaign. The week also marks the introduction of the City of Spokane as an official educational partner of the Stickman Knows campaign.
Since the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck is significantly higher if a motorist is traveling at speeds faster than the mean speed of traffic, the week encourages drivers to slow down, obey speed limits and become more aware of pedestrians. Between 2007 – 2009, there were 346 collisions involving pedestrians in Spokane County. Almost 7 percent of those resulted in serious injury and 3.2 percent resulted in death.
The community will embrace the week by promoting it at several related events for residents, kicking off with Stickman Knows’ presence at this summer’s first Summer Parkways event on Sun., June 3, from noon to 3:00 p.m. in Spokane’s Chief Garry/Logan Neighborhood. It’s the perfect venue to kick off the week as Summer Parkways is focused on recreation, fitness, and community, closing four miles of roadway to automobiles and opening up the streets to bikes, pedestrians, skaters, and other human-powered transportation.
Here is a comprehensive list of other events:
- Yard Signs - Residents can remind motorists of speeds on arterials, in residential areas, and around schools and parks by posting yard signs available through the city that state, “Neighbors Drive 25” and “Heed the Speed 30.” Individuals interested in purchasing signs should contact the city’s Office of Neighborhood Services at 625-6730.
- Stickman Safety Contest – From June 4 - 8, 2012, residents can visit stickmanknows.org/safety-quiz and take a short safety quiz specific to Spokane’s pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. Winners will be drawn daily. Prizes range from Stickman Knows custom water bottles, dri-fit shirts and a variety of safety items for all users of the road.
- Mayoral Proclamation – On Mon., June 4, a mayoral proclamation will be presented to PeTT committee members at the Spokane City Council meeting. The proclamation will emphasize that all residents have a part in making Spokane’s streets safer for all users.
- Flying Irish Running Club – On Thurs., June 7, the Stickman Knows campaign will be highly visible from 5:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Ripples Riverside Grill, 700 N. Division St., where this weekly running group begins and ends. Residents can take photos with the Stickman Knows cutout, and get their hands on some great free giveaways including water bottles, shirts and coasters.
For questions regarding Traffic Awareness and Pedestrian Safety Week, please contact Roland Lamarche, PeTT committee chair, at 981-7964 or Heather Trautman, City of Spokane Neighborhood Services Office interim director, at 625-6734.