Food Access Coalition launches www.realfoodspokane.org
New Site Provides Chance to Learn about Local Food
For more information, contact SRHD Public Information Officer Kim Papich, (509) 324-1539
SPOKANE, Wash. – Today, numerous contributors to Spokane’s food system are proud to launch www.realfoodspokane.org, Spokane’s first-ever Web site dedicated to providing residents with a custom and interactive experience for learning about Spokane’s food system. Contributors to the site are all part of Spokane’s Food Access Coalition (FAC) members, led by Spokane Regional Health District. Through the site, they hope to raise awareness and engage community members on how to help increase access to real, nutritious foods either on a personal, institutional, community and/or policy level.
The site boasts the latest information on a variety of local and national food issues, a repository of local beautiful images of food and dedicated people, and offers numerous ways to get involved. Visitors can also take the “Real Food Pledge,” committing themselves to learning about where their food comes from, eating one seasonal local fruit or vegetable, enjoying a family dinner and new recipe, and getting connected with real food events in Spokane. There are numerous social media plug-ins that allow visitors to share the pledge and the site with other residents.
FAC has been meeting for the past three years and contributes to the health district’s food assessment process, educates members on Spokane County’s food system, increases awareness of local resources, and encourages increased access to local foods. Current Food Access Coalition members include SRHD, Washington State University Extension, Second Harvest, Catholic Charities, Sunshine Disposal, local farmers, and representatives from local hospitals, restaurants and grocery stores. Everyone from food processing to food waste management; business owners including food retailers; school nutrition program directors; and city and county-level policy-makers and elected officials is welcome to join the Food Access Coalition. Contact Natalie Tauzin at (509) 324-1659 or by email at ntauzin@spokanecounty.org.
Again, please visit the site at www.realfoodspokane.org. Information can also be found at www.srhd.org. SRHD’s Web site offers comprehensive, updated information about Spokane Regional Health District and its triumphs in making Spokane a safer and healthier community. Become a fan of SRHD on Facebook to receive local safety and wellness tips. You can also follow us on Twitter @spokanehealth.