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  Spokane Teen Video Contest Announced

Spokane Teen Video Contest Announced

Jul 01, 2009

Teen Video Contest Announced Focusing on Responsible Sexual Decisions

Spokane teens are being urged to use their creative talents to address a topic that may be hard to discuss – making smart sexual health decisions. Teens can register for the contest, take no-cost video production classes (July 6-18 and July 15-18) and develop a short 3-5 minute video for a chance to win a cash prize. Contest registration is open now through August 10.

"Teens need access to accurate information to help them make smart choices about sex and its potential consequences," says Dr. Joel McCullough, Health Officer for the Spokane Regional Health District. "We hope this video contest will grab their attention and get the conversations started."

WHO – Spokane County youth ages 14-19 years old

WHAT – 1st Annual Spokane Teen Videofest

WHY – To challenge local teens to speak out by developing short videos with positive health messages on responsible sexual decisions and actions.

WHEN – Class Registration Deadline: July 13; Contest Registration Deadline: August 10; Video Submission Deadline: August 24

WHERE – Register today at  or contact Mishelle at, 509-324-1494 or 509-324-3623 (fax)