Governor Gregoire Helps Local Flu Campaign
UPDATE: Media are asked to arrive at 11:00 a.m.
Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire will visit the Spokane Regional Health District's Public Health Clinic this Thursday, September 17th at 11:15 a.m., to get protected from the seasonal flu and to lend her support to the Health District's flu prevention campaign.
Governor Gregoire will be joined by Mary Selecky, the Secretary of Health for the Washington State Department of Health, who will talk about Washington's plans for both seasonal and H1N1 swine influenza prevention. Dr. Joel McCullough, Health Officer for the Spokane Regional Health District will discuss local efforts to address the influenza season.
Following a 15-minute media briefing, the Governor will get her flu shot and will be filmed to appear in a local television commercial to encourage people in our area to take precautions to avoid influenza.
Area media are invited to attend the entire event. Media are asked to enter the Health District building through the southeast entrance near the loading dock and meet in the auditorium on the first floor.
"We are glad Governor Gregoire is going to be protecting herself from the seasonal flu by getting a vaccination here in our Public Health Clinic, said Dr. Joel McCullough, Health Officer for the Health District. "Those of us in public health have known for a very long time how serious the flu is, and we are glad to see that our Governor agrees and is supporting efforts to address this threat."
Check the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website for frequently updated information and resources: www.cdc.gov/H1N1 and for local updates visit www.srhd.org/swineflu.