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The Spokane Regional Health District has published a new fold-out walking map to encourage people to be more active by trying out area routes. The routes were chosen for features such as fitness level, restrooms along the path, safety, and historical points of interest. 

"Living in the Inland Northwest, we are surrounded by many beautiful places to walk", says Dr. Joel McCullough, Health Officer for the Spokane Regional Health District. "We hope these maps will get families more familiar with the routes and get them outdoors and active together. It's fun for everyone and best of all, they are free."

Lack of physical activity is linked to an increase risk to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some cancers. In Spokane, 61% of adults are either overweight or obese and 22% of teens are considered overweight or obese. Thirty-nine percent of Spokane adults report that they do not meet the recommended levels of physical activity. Taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes 5 or more days a week meets the recommended level. The 30 minutes can be broken into segments but have to be at least 10 minutes at a time to get the heart-health benefit. To lose weight, brisk walking for a longer period, up to 60 minutes or more 5 days a week is needed.

The maps were designed in partnership with the Spokane Regional Health District's Physical Activity and Nutrition Program, the National Park Service - Rivers and Trails Program, and the Inland Northwest Trails Coalition. Eight routes are identified and each one includes notation on mileage, steps, and calories burned. The trails are for beginners and for individuals of all ages and ability levels. Amenities such as benches and rest rooms are indicated on the maps and tips on safety and beginning walking are highlighted.

Click here for maps

Printed maps, including all eight routes, are available at all area libraries and the Spokane Regional Health District. On June 6th, the maps will be distributed at the Fish Lake Trail Clean Up from 9-12pm. Additional routes will be mapped soon and available on the Health District's website and the Inland Northwest Trails website,