Senior Meal Services Restored
Thanks to new funding received and to cooperation between Mid-City Concerns& Meals on Wheels, community agencies and the Spokane Regional Health District Senior Nutrition Program, all local senior centers will be returning to full service. Mid-City Concerns has offered to help pay the cost of meals served in the area senior centers. With this generous offer, the Senior Nutrition Program (SNP) now has enough money to support the sites who serve the meals and provide social activities for the seniors.
In October, meal services had been reduced due to a reduction in federal funds that help to support SNP. Most senior centers were left to rely on their own funds to remain open for two or three days a week during the time of the year when seniors struggle most with loneliness and isolation. In addition to a variety of social activities, the senior centers provide an important connection to community services that can help them continue to live independently.
"We are very grateful to Mid City Concerns and to the generosity of the anonymous donors," said Lynne Quimby, Program Manager for the Health District's Senior Nutrition Program (SNP). SNP is the "umbrella" organization that contracts with several area community partners, providing federal funds to help support congregate senior noon meals and home-delivered meals, also known as meals-on-wheels.
In addition to Mid-City Concerns, the following community partners also benefit from SNP funding:
Congregate noon meal locations:
- American Indian Center - 801 E 2nd
- Cheney Care Center - 2219 North 6th
- Deer Park Senior Center - 316 E. Crawford
- Delaney Apts/Korean Sr. Center - 242 W. Riverside
- East Central Comm. Sr. Center - 500 S. Stone
- Edgecliff Senior Center - 6903 E. 4###sup/sup###
- Hillyard Senior Center - 4001 N. cook
- Mid-City Senior Center - 1222 W. 2nd
- Opportunity Senior Center - 202 N. Pines
- Sinto Sr. Activity Center - 1124 W. Sinto
- Southside Sr. Activity Center - 3151 E. 27###sup/sup###
Home-delivered meal programs:
- Cheney Care Center - 2219 N. 6###sup/sup###
- Deer Park Senior meals - 316 E. Crawford
- Mid-City Concerns - 1222 W. 2nd
- Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels -321 S. Dishman-Mica Rd #B
For more information call (509) 324-1539