Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week
National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week
The Spokane community can support the hungry and homeless by joining in the following activities during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, November 16–22. Many area charities, organizations and government agencies are coming together to draw attention to our community's struggles with homelessness and hunger.
Monday, November 17 - 11 am-3 pm
Winter Wear Drive
Homeless Resource Center
520 S. Walnut
Tuesday, November 18 – 7am–10 am
Toiletry Drive (personal care items)
Global Credit Union
1520 W. Third Ave.
Wednesday, November 19 - 8:30 – 1pm
Hunger & Homeless Awareness Conference
Spokane Community College - SCC Lair
Thursday, November 20 – 5:30 – 7:30
Hunger and Homeless Awareness Walk
Spokane Regional Health District
1101 W. College Ave.
5:30 pm - Soup & bread meal
5:45 pm – Program
6:15 pm – Site visits (transportation provided)
Friday, November 21 – Noon -1pm
Memorial Service
Westminster Congregational UCC
411 S. Washington
Media Contact: Julie Graham| 324-1539 JGraham@spokanecounty.org