24 hours, 7 days a week. Anonymous, free support for marijuana addiction
Marijuana can be an addictive substance, particularly for youth. Marijuana
use during childhood or adolescence is dangerous because the human brain does
not fully develop until around age 26, and drugs like marijuana can have
negative effects for young, developing brains.
Although marijuana use by adults (21+) has been made legal in Washington state, that does not mean it is without health risks. The safety of marijuana has not been established. Just like tobacco and alcohol, it has been associated with health and social problems.
Marijuana is estimated to produce addiction in approximately one in 11 of those who use it at least once. This rate increases to about one in six, or 17 percent, for users who start in their teens, and 25 percent to 50 percent among daily users
When people who are addicted to marijuana try to stop using, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, sleeping difficulties, anxiety, and cravings.
The human brain does not finish developing until age 26. Marijuana use during adolescence can impact memory, concentration, and attention span.
This video was developed as part of Peers Practicing Prevention. These are stories by real youth in Spokane, and the views expressed are those of the individuals represented.
Retail marijuana use is legal for those ages 21 and over in Washington state and therefore Spokane County. If you choose to use marijuana, it's important to know the laws, potential risks and how you can help prevent underage marijuana use.
Marijuana is made from dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. Marijuana comes in multiple different forms and THC Levels vary depending on the product and method use.
How marijuana affects health is determined by how it's consumed. Marijuana is most commonly smoked, from pipes, bongs, joints, blunts and other paraphernalia including devices that heat or vaporize marijuana. It can also be consumed through foods and beverages, such as brownies or tea.
Marijuana is combustive and the smoke is inhaled which allows the body to absorb THC. The most common methods of smoking marijuana are joints, pipes, and bongs.
Marijuana can be ingested through food, or "edibles" which often includes things like brownies and other baked goods. Marijuana can also be ingested in liquid form by brewing it as a tea.
Marijuana concentrates are condensed masses of THC. Concentrates can range from 40% - 90% THC, making them up to four-times stronger than regular high-quality marijuana. Concentrates often go by the following terms: wax, hash, hash oil, honey oil, budder, butane hash/honey oil (BHO),shatter, dabs, black glass, and errl.
Lotions, salves, and balms can be infused or other chemicals extracted from marijuana and can be used for pain and inflammation. They do not make a user feel high.
A new form of inhaling marijuana includes vaping, which may involve the use of electronic vaping devices.