Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

Immunization in Spokane County

Immunization rates help determine a population’s level of protection from vaccine preventable disease. During the COVID-19 pandemic immunization rates among young children 19 to 35 months decreased by almost 9% in Spokane county. In the past year, the overall compliance rate has been slowly trending upward, but it is still not where it was prior to the pandemic.

What can the community do?

  • Encourage everyone in your family to get vaccinated
  • Practice strategies for effective communication between healthcare personnel, parents and peers
  • Keep records of your immunizations, and obtain personal immunization record access to the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS) registry through MyIR
  • Patients and parents are encouraged to ask questions and talk with healthcare providers about vaccines
  • Make sure you and your child(ren) are up to date on immunizations each time you visit your healthcare provider or pharmacy.

Visit County Health Insights – Spokane County to learn more about population immunization rates.

About the Immunization Assessment and Promotion (IAP) Program

The Immunization Assessment and Promotion (IAP) program at Spokane Regional Health District provides scientifically sound, evidence-based information and services to the community about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Program activities help guide community efforts to increase the number of people choosing to get vaccinated, reduce vaccine-preventable diseases through community immunity (herd immunity) and protect vulnerable community members who can’t be vaccinated due to medical conditions.

The program works closely with many community partners to achieve these goals. Partners include pediatric and family practice medical offices, pharmacies, school districts, non-profit organizations like Within Reach, and students and professors at Washington State University, Gonzaga University and University of Washington.

SRHD is an enrolled provider for the following programs:

  • Childhood Vaccine Program (CVP), which provides no-cost childhood immunizations for all children ages 0-18 years
  • Adult Vaccine Program (AVP)

IAP activities are funded by federal (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state (Foundational Public Health Services) and local dollars. Granting organizations like the Group Health Foundation provide added funding when available through competitive grant opportunities.

VaxScenes Newsletter

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Make It a Routine for Life
Make It a Routine for Life

Learn about what immunization is, why it's important, and when to get certain vaccines.

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