Collecting, analyzing and using health-related data to inform the community about current, local health issues.
Since 1996, the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Data Center has been the regional public health leader in community health assessments and has extensive experience measuring community needs and evaluating population-based public health and social science programs and projects.
The Data Center has staff with formal training and expertise in:
Surveys and questionnaires
Focus groups
Key opinion leader surveys
Community forums
Spokane Regional Health District
94Published Data Center Reports
Community information on health issues and affected populations. The information may help direct health and social interventions to areas of greatest need and build support for health policies, as well as educate the public, community organizations, and policymakers on the community’s health and well-being.
Providing regular, updated data on the health of Spokane County's population and our region is a core function of Spokane Regional Health District. Check out our data and reports here.
Survey data provide a holistic look at the health and well-being of local individuals and indicates disparities between different groups.